What is the best way to the stains of cotton gym towels?

Here are some effective ways to remove stains from cotton gym towels:

Pretreat stains ASAP.

Use a stain remover spray or make a paste of dish soap/baking soda on fresh sweat or dirt stains before washing.

Soak in oxygen-based bleach.

Products like OxiClean work well for deodorizing and brightening towels as well as lifting stains.

Baking soda paste.

Make a thick paste with baking soda and water. Gently rub onto stains and leave on towels a few hours before washing.

Vinegar in the rinse.

Adding 1/2 cup white vinegar to the rinse cycle helps remove soap residues that can set stains.

Sunlight helps.

If possible, lay stained areas in direct sunlight after pretreating. The UV rays aid in bleaching out stains.

Wash in hot water.

For heavily soiled towels, use the hottest safe water for your fabric type. The heat helps dissolve oils and dirt.

Use perfume/cologne.

If a stain has an odor, try dabbing matching scented product onto it before laundering.

Repeat as needed.

Stubborn stains may require multiple wash cycles or switching between stain removal methods.

Having extra towels means you can swap them out regularly for laundering before stains fully set.