What are some common signs of offset butterfly valve sticking, wear, or damage?

Here are some common signs to look for that could indicate an offset butterfly valve is sticking, wearing out, or damaged:

Difficulty operating/high torque requirements

The valve shouldn’t require excessive force to open/close.

Leakage when closed

Look for fluid seeping past the disc edge or shaft seal, indicating worn seals or damage.


Grinding, clacking sounds could mean worn bearings or internal parts are loose.

Fluid residue/buildup

Excess debris inside could cause corrosion or jamming over time.

Visual wear/corrosion

Pitting, scratches or material loss on disc, seat or shaft surfaces decrease lifespan.

Cracks in body/disc material

Especially in older cast valves, cracks allow leakage.

Bent or damaged shaft

May occur from over-torqueing or shock during service.

Scored or rough disc/seat surfaces

Interference prevents tight shutoff.

Periodic routine exercising, inspection and lubrication/maintenance helps ensure offset butterfly valves continue functioning properly.