How much do fire hydrants cost?

The cost of fire hydrants can vary significantly based on various factors such as:

  1. Type and Model: Different types of fire hydrants (such as dry barrel, wet barrel, or different operating pressures) and models have varying costs.
  2. Materials and Construction: Hydrants can be made from various materials, including cast iron, ductile iron, or stainless steel. The material and construction quality affect the price.
  3. Operating Pressure and Size: Hydrants come in different sizes and pressure ratings. Larger or higher-pressure hydrants often come at a higher cost.
  4. Location and Supplier: Prices can differ based on geographic location and the supplier or manufacturer. Different regions or suppliers might offer varying pricing structures.
  5. Installation Costs: Installation expenses, how much do fire hydrants cost including excavation, piping, labor, and infrastructure requirements, add to the overall cost of a fire hydrant.

As a ballpark figure, fire hydrants typically range in cost from a few hundred dollars to over a thousand dollars per unit. The total cost of a hydrant project would also include installation costs, which can significantly increase the overall expense.

It’s essential to consult with local authorities, fire departments, or municipal agencies for accurate pricing and specifications as they often manage the purchase, installation, and maintenance of fire hydrants within a specific area or jurisdiction. Additionally, procurement and pricing information may vary based on contracts, bulk purchases, or government procurement policies in different regions.